Friday, 13 January 2017

Lost and found / Löytötavarat

Some things were left behind. If you recognize something belonging to you, please let us know at

Joitain tavaroita unohtui. Jos tunnistat jonkin niistä omaksesi, ilmoitathan meille osoitteeseen

Lost but not found

  • A blue-gray woollen bag containing medieval style leather shoes. Perhaps you accidentally took it with you? Please let us know, the head steward would be most grateful.
  • Siniharmaa villapussi, jonka sisällä nahkaiset keskiaikakengät. Ehkä otit sen vahingossa mukaasi? Pyydämme ilmoittamaan mitä pikimmin, Myfanwy olisi hyvin kiitollinen sen löytymisestä.

Found at the site

1) A camera tripod / kameran kolmijalka (not in the picture / ei kuvassa)

2) All other lost and found / muut löytötavarat

a) Mugs closeup / juoma-astiat lähikuvassa

b) Jewellery closeup / pienet korut lähikuvassa

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Kingdom officers meeting

All officers present at Coronation are invited to attend our first open officers meeting of the year.

The meeting will run as a come when you can and leave when you must between 12:00 - 13:30; right after their majesties sit in state until lunch.

We as Seneshals feel that there is a need for us as seneshals to meet and greet as many of the officers in the kingdom as we possibly can and to talk and listen to you. We also know from experience that being an officer can be a bit lonely so this is also an oppertunity for you to meet your fellow officers and build relationships, exchange knowledge etc..

We intend to hold open officers meetings at kingdom events when it is possible to do so.


Ed Deputy Kingdom Seneshal

Sunday, 1 January 2017


Once upon a time there were two Aarnimetsian baronesses who wondered what were the finest foods and greatest treasures of the Known World. So they sent out five of their captains in their finest vessels to bring back the most delicious offerings and the shiniest of treasures of the world.

1. setting: Terra Nuevo

Sweet potato pie and Grande sallate

2. setting: Terra Africa

Rhinosaurus horn

Neck of giraffe, for vegetarians giraffe's testis

Roasted ostrich

Wilderness vegetables

3. setting: Terra Arabica

Flying fish

Couscous with sauce


4. setting: Terra Regalis


5. setting: Terra Incognita


Olipa kerran kaksi Aarnmetsän paronitarta, jotka kovasti miettivät ja pohtivat, mitkä ovat koko tunnetun maailman suurimmat herkut ja hienoimmat aarteet. Löytääkseen vastauksen kysymykseensä lähettivät he viisi kapteeniaan eri suuntiin laivoineen, käskynään tuoda takaisin mitä herkullisimpia ruokia ja ihmeellisimpiä aarteita.

1. kattaus: Terra Nuevo

Bataattipiirakkaa ja Grande Salate

2. kattaus: Terra Africa

Sarvikuonon sarvia

Kirahvin kaulaa, kasvissyöjille kirahvin kiveksiä


Savannin kasviksia

3. kattaus: Terra Arabica


Kuskusia ja kastiketta


4. kattaus: Terra Regalis


5. kattaus: Terra Incognita

Schedule / Aikataulu

Friday / Perjantai

19.00 Site opens / Ovet aukevat
20.00 Evening snack / Iltapala
21.00 Court / Hovi
22.00 (and on to the night) Sauna

Saturday / Lauantai

8.30-10.00 Breakfast / Aamiainen
10.30-11.30 Court / Hovi
11.30-12.00 New Majesties sitting at state / Uusien majesteettien vastaanotto
12.00-13.30 Drachenwald officers’ meeting / Kuningaskunnan virkailijakokous
12.30-13.30 Tourneys in Arts of War and Defence / Turnajaiset sodan ja puolustuksen taidoissa
12.00-16.00 Arts and Sciences competition / Tiede- ja taidekilpailu
13.30-14.30 Lunch / Lounas
14.30-15.30 Archery / Jousiammuntaa
14.30-16.00 Market / Markkinat
14.30-15.00 Pelican meeting / Pelikaaniritarikunnan kokous
15.05-15.35 Laurel meeting / Laakeriseppeleen ritarikunnan kokous
15.30-16.00 Afternoon tea and coffee / Iltapäivätee ja -kahvi
15.40-16.10 Chivalry meeting / Ritarillisuuden ritarikunnan kokous
17.00 Court / Hovi
18.30 Feast / Pidot
21.00 (and on to the night) Sauna

Sunday / Sunnuntai

8.30-10.00 Breakfast / Aamiainen
12.00 Site closes / Ovet sulkeutuvat

Market / Markkinat

There will be a Market in Winter Coronation! Please contact Lady Vallittu if you want to reserve a table for selling your products:

Talvikruunajaisissa järjestetään markkinat! Jos haluat varata myyntipöydän, ota yhteyttä rouva Vallittuun:

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Sightseeing in Finland

We have collected here some places to go and things to see if you have a day or a few to enjoy the sights of Finland. We focused on Turku and Helsinki areas; if you will be visiting other parts of Finland, you could ask for pointers on out Facebook event page:


Please observe that Friday 6th of January is a public holiday in Finland. Sunday timetables will be in use for public transport, and many shops and other venues are closed. Nonetheless there are places that welcome visitors on this day too.


The city of Turku's official website for tourism and travel information:

Turku castle (13th c.)

closed on Mondays (6.1.?)

Information on the main exhibitions (most medieval):

Noteworthy: on the same weekend as the Coronation (7.-8.1.), Turku Castle has a special event called Ritaripäivät (Chivalry Days) with re-enactors, dancers, handicrafters and other program. The castle is open on Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm.

Aboa Vetus & Ars-Nova - museum of history and contemporary art

open every day (including 6.1.)

"Aboa Vetus is an underground area of ruins, where the genuine constructions tell the history of the oldest city in Finland. The exhibition halls of Ars Nova are located in the Rettig palace, a former residence completed in 1928. Contemporary art as well as the art collection of the foundation are presented here. The two galleries, Takkahuone and Omatila, located within the museum have their own exhibition program."

Turku cathedral and museum

open every day, but 6.1. is a holiday when churches may have special schedules.

Noteworthy: Displayed in the museum, among other things, are sculptures of saints as well as church silverware from the Catholic Middle Ages. The museum is not accessible during church services.

HELSINKI and nearby

The city of Helsinki's official website for tourism and travel information:

National Museum

closed on Mondays (is open 6.1.)

Noteworthy: National Museum has an exhibition of 16th century Italian paintings until 15.1.2017.

National art museum (Ateneum)

closed on Mondays (is open 6.1.)

Museum of modern art (Kiasma)

closed on Mondays (6.1.?)

Helsinki cathedral

open every day, but 6.1. is a holiday when churches may have special schedules.

Noteworthy: the crypt of the cathedral may be open around the time of the event (the information was not available when the list was created). It is an interesting space with art exhibitions.

Uspenski Orthodox cathedral

closed on Mondays. 6.1. is a holiday when churches may have special schedules.

Church of St. Lawrence, Vantaa

Noteworthy: a medieval church dating from 1450. It's possible to book a guided tour (Mon-Fri 9-15, likely not available 6.1.) in Tikkurila parish.


Noteworthy: some tourist services on the island are only open during the summer season, but there are services available in the winter as well.


Hämeenlinna can be reached by train from Helsinki or Turku.

The city of Hämeenlinna's official website for tourism and travel information:

Häme castle (13th c.)

closed on Mondays (is open 6.1.)